This website is proxy for parking.sinpapeles, a free parking service for HNS domains.



If you are here, you probably found a domain that you want to buy, or found a buyer for your domain.
Either case Sinpapeles is here to help you!
If both, buyer and seller, trust in Parking.Sinpapeles, I can be the mediator for this name swap.

Parking.Sinpapeles is a community relatively small and doesn't have yet an automated system for name swap.

What I'm offering is to be that 3rd-party, that receives HNS from the buyer and confirm to the seller that the domain can be transferred.
After we see the transfer done, I send the HNS to seller.
If a something happens and the transfer is not finished, I can rollback and return the HNS to buyer.

This process is totally manual (for now).

If you both are ok with that, I'd be happy to be the mediator. You can reach me out on Telegram.
Things I'll need to know:

Over the chat I'll provide the address for payment.